7 Signs Your Anxiety is Rooted in Abandonment anxiety

Abandonment is one of the most profound triggers for anxiety, and for those of us who have experienced it, the effects can echo throughout our lives in ways we might not even recognize. I personally know this struggle all too well.

As a child, I was abandoned by my father. Although I don’t...

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Stuck in Fight or Flight? How to Break Free and Heal Your Body anxiety fightflight healing stress trauma

For as long as I can remember, my body was stuck in a constant state of fight or flight. From a young age, I felt like something was always just beneath the surface, ready to trigger a reaction. As a child, I thought this anxious energy was just part of who I was, something to cope with and push...

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Transform Suffering into Peace and Power anxiety stress transformation

Suffering is often perceived as an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to define your existence. In truth, living in a state of suffering is a choice—not a life sentence. When you remain in this low-vibrational state, it profoundly impacts not only your mental and emotional...

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